Become an HAHS Loyal Companions Club Member Today!

The animals benefit from membership — and so do you!

You already know the biggest benefit of becoming a member of HAHS Loyal Companion Club. It’s that warm feeling in your heart that comes from helping lost, stray, and homeless pets in our community. Together with your support, we are able to save countless lives every year. Your donations ensure that homeless pets are provided with food, shelter, medical care, and an abundance of love during their stay at HAHS.

Join our growing community of animal lovers by becoming a member of our Loyal Companion Club today! When you join as a Member you will be joining a group of people just like yourself – people that really care enough to give homeless, abandoned, yet loving pets a “second chance” at life.

Membership Levels and Benefits

We have a variety of membership levels to choose from, each with complementary gifts that will show you are a proud supporter of HAHS!

Ready to become a member?

Complete your membership form and make a donation electronically below.

**Save a copy of your completed form and email it to

If you would like to submit your membership form and donation the old fashioned way, you may print and fill out the above form. Once complete please mail or drop off your completed form and donation to:

Hornell Area Humane Society

7649 Industrial Park Rd 

Hornell, NY 14843 

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