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It's time to clean out your closet
No more excuses.
In 2022, St. Pauly Textile Inc. was able to ship out more than 68 million garments which clothed an estimated 8.3 million people world-wide. St. Pauly Textile Inc. collects useable clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, linens, blankets and drapes and distributes them in the US and all over the world. HAHS is proud to partner with them in this mission!
Accepted items:
Clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, drapes and stuffed dolls/animals.
Please do NOT drop off:
Furniture, electronics, household items, books, toys, garbage, pillows, rags, and fabric scraps.
The shed located at the back side of HAHS between our shelter and Arkport Cycles – drop it in the chute!
Located in the mailbox to the right of the chute for your tax deduction .
Not only does your donation help us keep usable clothes out of landfills, provided clothes for those in need, it also supports our shelter animals! As an organization hosting a shed, we receive funding for clothing collected. 15,745 pounds of clothing were donated to HAHS in 2020. This was enough to clothe an estimated 1,255 people around the world! Based on that volume of clothing, HAHS received $629!
Life is too short to hold on to clothes you don't like or that don't fit anymore. So what are you waiting for?
Donate today!
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